Preserving, Protecting and Restoring Global Environments

Harmony Playground Environmental Trust is dedicated to the protection, preservation and restoration of Earth's natural environment. Every dollar we raise goes to serve this mission and every membership and individual donation makes a real difference.

The Challange is Real

Earth is in crisis. We are long past the point of debate. Climate change, mass extinctions and collapsing ecosystems are real and present threats to the survival of the human species and all other life on this fragile planet.

Solutions are Everywhere

We have all the knowledge, technical capacity and human resources we need to solve every environmental problem we face. All it takes is people working together to direct the abundance of human energy and intelligence exactly where it is needed.

Our Mission is Simple

We're here to seek out and support the most efficient and effective environmental efforts globally and to gather the resources needed to scale those projects and broaden their impact and reach.

Business to Earth

Harmony Playground Environmental Trust seeks out partnerships with industry leaders to help implement environmental solutions and to advance corporate responsibility. We also actively seek opportunities to support and scale the development of environmental products, services, systems and enterprises that serve our global mission.

The Responsibility is Ours

While we must continue to hold political and industrial leaders accountable for their decisions, the responsibility for healing this planet is ours. It's up to each of us to act individually and work collectively to identify solutions and empower the actions that will restore environmental balance.

Join us

It's easy to fall prey to negative thinking when the problems seem so vast. Taking personal responsibility doesn't mean working alone. Just the opposite. Problems of scale require solutions of equal scale and that means working together. Together there is nothing we cannot accomplish.

Join us